Before general contractors existed and before professional architects existed, designer-builders created some of the great structures in history. Cathedrals, palaces and the civic monuments of antiquity were produced by master builders who were masters of design and construction technology: witness the gothic cathedrals, for example.
Today architects and contractors join forces to conceive and build structures for public and private clients as a team. This method of project delivery reduces the owner’s risk by creating a single point of responsibility for every aspect of the project. DHK provides this service with contractors to deliver projects that are completed with fixed price and on a fixed schedule.
DHK Design-Build Projects
- Amtrak Drop Table – Southampton Yard, Boston
- Amtrak Central Electrification & Traffic Control Facilities – Cobble Hill, NY & South Station, Boston
- Yawkey Station, Boston
- Yankee Stadium Train Station, NYC
- Canarsie Line Signal Facilities, NYC
- RTO Facility Expansion Rockaway Parkway Station, NYC