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This new mixed-income apartment development is located in Norwalk Harbor, an area of Norwalk that has been rapidly transforming and takes advantage of its location near Long Island Sound. Two new midrise apartment buildings replace an older public housing development and are surrounded by landscaped recreation areas on a three-acre site.

The 108-unit complex includes 54 apartments for residents who qualify for public housing, 27 units for moderate income residents, and 27 market rate units. All of the apartments are designed to the same high standard of quality in terms of materials, finishes, appliances and unit sizes.

The development was designed for resiliency since the site overlooks the harbor and is subject to flooding. All residential units and mechanical equipment are located at or above the second-floor level. Parking garages and entry lobbies occupy the first floor, and a “dry” path of egress is provided from the second floor to a pedestrian path that is raised above the 100-year flood level.